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Wednesday, January 18, 2017


How the publishing industry took on the taboo - New Yorker

Thanks David Schneider for sending this and writing the following:
Please have a look at Louis Menaud’s fine piece in the 12 December 2016 New Yorker,
title People of the Book. 

It’s largely a portrait of Robert Gottlieb and Barney Rosset.

Without Rosset, and Grove Press, (and their long, expensive battles over censorship) who knows what would have happened to, for example, the Beats (both West and East coast teams)?
A kind thought for Grove’s Evergreen Review, particularly the second issue — the San Francisco Scene.

Let’s not forget that Grove and Evergreen was where a young editor named Donald Allen worked, and where he assembled and published the important collection New American Poetry, 1945-1960.
Or that one of Don Allen’s assistants was the even younger Richard Baker.
And that Philip met all these people in 1959, in New York.

In Menaud’s article, as in the Notley-Fischer interview [featured yesterday here], one of the important background players is Paris.

And let's not forget Loly Rosset who was in there as well.