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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Empty Bubble Shunryu Suzuki Quote

Once when I was driving Suzuki Roshi to Zen Center from Tassajara, after we'd stopped at the original Thunderbird Bookstore in Carmel Valley and he'd had three cups of coffee and me two, we got back into the car and I was all jacked up and driving down the road and I said,  "Suzuki Roshi, may I ask you a question?" and he said "Yes," and I proceeded to beg him to tell me what it is that I should do to understand reality, to get enlightened.  I told him that I was totally dedicated to the Way and that whatever he told me, I would do, no matter what it was.  I went on and on making sure that he was thoroughly aware of my sincerity and devotion.  I turned to him for an answer. He was sound asleep.
Opening Vignette for Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan 

Going to post the whole book on cuke. Today starting with the Front Matter which this excerpt comes from.