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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kuta Report part II

Kuta was great yesterday. Didn't go in the water though it looked terrific - great for body surfing and there were bonafide surfers as well. Just can't comfortably leave my computer and wallet somewhere. Stayed in Starbucks (macha latte sans syrup and tuna puff) till the sun got low then walked down the beach, a sunset beach. Lots of people. The water and waves looked so inviting. Sun a low red glowing ball through clouds.

Guy at Star Bucks had told me to go up the next side street for a good place to eat. It was narrow and crammed with shops and eateries, just enough room for a car to get through - very few of them but motorbikes now and then, and people people - lots of bule. Way down found an attractive, smallish place, no hype, no music, rattan and wood furniture, walls even in some sort of brownish reed mats or something. No table. Aussie guy, 63, large, drinking a coke invited me to join him so didn't have to wait. He was fine but it got a little weird, telling me how he'd bought a double switchblade and then that some teenagers were calling him a pederast so he pulled the switchblade on them and told them not to say that. Police came and he told them it was a misunderstanding and they went off. He said he'd said something to his young nephew six years ago who was naked and put his hand on his thigh and the police had called him about that and he'd said it was a misunderstanding but that he should never have said that but that his sister was out to get him. Police said ok but another complaint from someone else and were arresting you. He said he'd regret he'd said what he'd said the rest of his life and has had no contact with him or his sis since. A big regret. He said hello to a handsome young guy coming in and mentioned some other young guy to him. It reminded me of hitchhiking. Guys would reveal things to me that were so private and exposing. It was a little creepy but listening to him was my role then. And the fish steak, veggies, potatoes sort of like fries, a rare coke myself to blend in were perfect and a surprising low 39k rupiah- less than three bucks. Ride home for 100 with a cabbie who had a lot of questions and comments about yoga, meditation - sincere guy. 33 days till Kelly arrives. 35 till Katrinka returns. She's in bed at the Panama Hotel now. See what can get done. - dc